Скачать бесплатно Furcadia for iPhone (V28.0.1) для iOS
Furcadia for iPhone (V28.0.1)

Furcadia for iPhone (V28.0.1)



This does not work anymore for various reasons, including but not limited to server protocol changes, XML API removed, 32-bit patches, iOS no longer supporting 32-bit apps . This is the iOS app for Furcadia published back in 2010. App Description: Put a World in your pocket! Millions of people have tried Furcadia since its debut in 1996. Now you can play the longest continuously running MMO on the internet on your iPhone! Make friends from around the world, explore, try games puzzles and quests, roleplay, attend our festivals, or just hang out and chat. With thousands of players on around the clock, creating more areas every day, there's always something new to experience! Furcadia for iPhone connects to the same world as our Windows and Mac versions. You can do all the same things except create new areas; for that you can download our free desktop client at www.furcadia.com . Come experience one of the most welcoming and creative communities you can find anywhere, and Let Your Imagination Soar! Furcadia was a finalist in the 2003 Independent Games Festival. Buy now and receive 5 Golden DragonScales you can use to customize your look in the game!
