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An open source, cross-platform Lemmy client built with Flutter Features Thunder is currently undergoing active alpha development , and it is possible that not all features have been fully implemented at this stage. Due to this, significant breaking changes may occur between versions. The next section summarizes the features that are currently implemented. This is not a full list of features Communities Browse through feeds (All/Local/Subscribed) and communities Subscribe, unsubscribe, and block specific communities Search for communities that are federated with the current instance Access subscriptions and blocked communities Posts & Comments Vote, save, share, and create posts and comments Customizable swipe actions for posts and comments Infinitely scroll through feeds and posts Customizable view options for posts (compact, card, full height) Customizable defaults for post/comment sorting Authentication Login to multiple accounts/instances, and switch between them Basic inbox capabilities, view replies, mentions and private messages View your own profile, including posts, comments, and saved content Theme & Customization Light, dark, OLED, and system theme options Material You theming (Android) Apply a preset theme/accent colour Customizable font scaling to different content Feed Two-column view for tablets Customizable FAB actions Extras In-app update notifications for new releases on GitHub Opening links in external browser Roadmap The current focus is to continue to expand on the general functionality of Thunder. This includes but is not limited to: Improvements to localization and more language support Improvements to stability and performance Initial support for moderation actions
