In the distant future, two factions fight for control over space. As neither side has any particular advantage over the other, it is a constant stalemate. Only absolute domination by one of the factions can end this perpetual war, and this can only be achieved by pure piloting skill. Will you be the one to end this nightmare? Pacewar is a relatively simple fighting game between two teams of space ships. A team wins the round when all ships of the other team are destroyed, and a certain number of victories more than the other player is needed to win the game. But there's a catch: as a team gets closer to winning, it loses ships, so you need to be better than the other team to succeed. Human players take over one ship at a time from their respective teams. If a human player's ship is destroyed, that human player takes over an AI ship from their team randomly. This ensures that the human players are always in the game. If you like this game, please consider supporting my Patreon page or my Liberapay page. You can also support me by sending money to my PayPal account (onpon4@riseup.net), or to my public Bitcoin address (bitcoin:1Ko772jMW2ZDXaPT4Pi9VYi8612eSXCxfU). I cannot guarantee that my use of money from such a donation will be for any particular purpose, but every dollar you send me is a dollar I don't have to earn from my day job, and that means more time that I can spend working on projects such as this one. For other games I've made, see my homepage: https://onpon4.github.io